The future belongs to the people.

What if we encouraged kids to take creative risks with technology and to make mistakes in the service of discovery?

Last night, I was ear hustling mama and auntie J’s conversation. I heard mama tell auntie that my daddy would be proud that she continuing to push forward on the mission to get more children to be producers of technology.

You can read the article they were talking about via the Remake Learning website.

What if we encouraged kids to take creative risks with technology and to make mistakes in the service of discovery? Often in education, we’ve focused on having students do things correctly. “We need to give permission to fail again,” Williams says. “Having the space to fail is something that all children need.”

Feel free to read previous guest post via Remake Learning:

Shimira Williams hit the nail on the head when she told me, “I want my kids to learn to be producers, not just consumers of technology. And I wanted to teach them how to build technology and use it to extend their own interests.”

A guest post from Shimira Williams recounting the journey from the Beauty of STEM to Slaying the Future, and lessons learned building a more inclusive, community-based, inter-generational maker movement along the way.”